A lot of us end up racking a serious amount of debt after adulthood. We will find this in the form of student loans for college, auto debt if you needed a car, debt from having to buy a house, personal debt, or debt you might have used to invest in a business or project. When you have a lot of debt like this piled on, it can seem very overwhelming to tackle it. So, a lot of people end up in a cycle of debt where they are endlessly borrowing money to pay off older debts and so on. One way you can potentially save yourself in this situation is by consolidating all of your debts. If you need this explained at the basic level, you can look into consolidation and settlement 101. You can also consult a financial advisor and have them help you out with your decision here.
Consolidating your debts means that you transfer all of your debts into one big and new loan. When done correctly, this one bigger loan will have a lower interest rate, and it gives you a fighting chance when it comes to paying off your loan.
Debt consolidation can help you out if you have several loans with a high rate of interest since it lowers the overall interest rate for you. Of course, this is only possible if you have a good credit score, or else debt consolidation will not benefit you. If you are smart with your money and get your debts consolidated, you can pay off multiple loans through that one new loan. You should still talk to your financial advisor before you make this decision though because they will go over your spending history and credit scores before letting you know whether or not it will benefit you.