Whenever our parents would admonish us for our bad posture, we would usually find ourselves rolling our eyes as children because just how bad can slouching your shoulders be? Turns out, it can get pretty bad in the long run. Slouching our shoulders or having bad posture can affect the physical appearance of our body, the development of a slight hunchback being one of the more obvious results. Apart from that, poor posture also affects the health of our spine and body, creating back and shoulder pain, and even problems with our feet as we grow older. One way to consciously work on improving one’s posture is Yoga. If you are interested, you can check out Marianne Wells Yoga RYT for more information.
Yoga helps you consciously become aware of your posture because if your posture is incorrect, your form is ruined, and when that happens, you are not doing yoga correctly. Your instructor will end up correcting your posture to fix your form. That is when you will start becoming more consciously aware of how you maintain your posture not just during class, but also outside of class. Another way yoga enforces correct posture as you take more advanced classes is by inversions and different poses that require balance. Poor posture will not let you balance yourself or transition properly between different poses. This gives you more insight into your posture, how your body is behaving, and how to correct your posture to improve your balance and stability. This, of course, will take time and discipline on your end, but your overall posture in your daily will also end up improving since you will now know what correct posture is supposed to feel like to the body, allowing you to readjust accordingly, and helping you feel better both physically and emotionally.